DES-4421 questions answers

Premium Specialist Implementation Engineer- PowerEdge MX Modular questions answers

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DES-4421 questions answers Details



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Exam Number : DES-4421
Exam Name : Specialist Implementation Engineer, PowerEdge MX Modular
Vendor Name : DELL-EMC
Update : Click Here to Check Latest Update
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DES-4421 test Format | DES-4421 Course Contents | DES-4421 Course Outline | DES-4421 test Syllabus | DES-4421 test Objectives

Certification Overview
This certification validates the ability to perform intermediate skill level tasks in
installing, configuring, maintaining and troubleshooting Dell EMC PowerEdge MX
Server products.
Certification Requirements
To complete the requirements for this certification you must:
1. Achieve one of the following Associate level certifications
• Associate - PowerEdge Version 1.0
• Dell Certified Associate – PowerEdge
• Dell Certified Professional – PowerEdge
• Specialist – Implementation Engineer, PowerEdge Version 1.0
• CompTIA Server+

This test is a qualifying test for the Specialist - Implementation Engineer,
PowerEdge MX Modular track.
This test focuses on installing, configuring and managing the Dell EMC PowerEdge MX
server products.
Dell Technologies provides free practice questions to assess your knowledge in preparation
for the exam. practice questions allow you to become familiar with the syllabus and question
types you will find on the proctored exam. Your results on a practice test offer one
indication of how prepared you are for the proctored test and can highlight syllabus on
which you need to study and train further. A passing score on the practice test does not
guarantee a passing score on the certification exam.

Exam Topics
Topics likely to be covered on this test include:
MX-Series Introduction (10%)
• Describe MX7000 hardware chassis components and numbering schemes
• Describe MX7000 compute and storage sled components
• P Describe MX5016s storage sleds and configurations
MX7000 Management (38%)
• Describe the MX Chassis Management Architecture and multi-chassis management groups
• Describe key features of OME-M and how OME-M differs from OME
• Describe storage sled management, Fabric C, mapping drives, and drive/enclosure assigned configuration
• Describe use of slot profiles, daisy chains, simplification, and consolidation, logs, and the iDRAC Service Module
• Describe how to perform firmware updates
• Describe use of key features of iDRAC, touching on considerations specific to MX Modular, including resetting iDRAC
• Explain usage and benefits of the Lifecycle Controller
• Describe nature, use, and benefits of Redfish; syllabus may include operational model, tree structure, RESTful API, available commands
MX Installation and Configuration (18%)
• Explain the power-on process for the chassis and sleds
• Explain the initial setup on an MX7000 including use of the left rack ear LCD panel
• Describe the concepts for initial chassis configuration using the Chassis Deployment Wizard
• Describe use of compute sleds, including location and supported operating systems
MX Networking (20%)
• List minimum networking requirements based on capabilities of various MX7000 models
• Describe the supported fabrics for Ethernet switches, taking into consideration various modes
• Describe the differences between Full Switch mode and SmartFabric Mode
• Describe how to perform an initial out-of-box setup using OME-M and OS 10 CLI
• Describe the administrative functions available when two or more chassis are interconnected
• Describe switching features on MX switches in Smart Fabric mode using OME-M
MX Troubleshooting (14%)
• Describe how to use OME-M to collect logs, review status and alerts, and check system health
• Describe troubleshooting procedures to resolve hardware issues

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