Magento-2-Certified-Associate-Developer Test Prep

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Magento-2-Certified-Associate-Developer Test Prep Details



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Exam Number : Magento-2-Certified-Associate-Developer
Exam Name : Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer
Vendor Name : Magento
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Exam code Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer test Questions
60 Questions
Exam Formats Multiple-choice items
Time Period 90-Minutes time to complete the exam
Passing Score68% or higher to pass the Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer Exam

Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform that is written in PHP. It is one of the best open e-commerce systems in the network. The Zend framework is used to create Magento. The Varian, Inc. aUSA private company developed this software with the help of volunteers. More than 100,000 onlinestores have been created by using Magento. Now, this software is covering 30% of the total marketshare. To maintain this position and fulfill the ever-growing requirement of customers, Magento offersthe different types of certification programs. With Magento exam, the company has a plan to create aMagento community that can work together and share their ideas and experience.

Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer Exam:
The Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer test is the beginning level certification program that isdesigned for Magento developers who are just at the beginning stage of their career. This test isdesigned to validate the knowledge and skills of Magento 2 in the field of UI modifications, adminmodifications, database changes, customizations, checkout structure, catalog, and functionality changes.A little experience Magento professionals can validate their Magento skills by passing this certificationexam.

Who this course is for:
1. Experience and beginners PHP developers who have a plan to learn new skills.
2. Magento-1 or Magento 2-developer stages
3. Magento architects and administrators
4. One who wants to get certified developer in Magneto developer

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