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OMG-OCUP-300 test Format | OMG-OCUP-300 Course Contents | OMG-OCUP-300 Course Outline | OMG-OCUP-300 test Syllabus | OMG-OCUP-300 test Objectives

Examination Number: OMG-OCUP-300
Duration: 90 minutes for residents of English-speaking countries; 120 minutes for all others
Number of questions: 58
Minimum Passing Score: 29

The UML 2 Advanced certification test tests an individual's knowledge on the complete UML palette of elements and attributes available for modeling structure and behavior in up to the largest of system models as well as metamodeling based on other specifications in the UML family (Alf, fUML and MOF). With a UML 2 Advanced certification, a model builder is the company UML guru at the highest level of technical management, leading workgroups and presentations, making decisions on analysis, design and development proposals and evaluating their results.

Common Structure 21%
Classification 14%
The MOF & Metamodeling 12%
Activities 9%
Interactions 9%
Structured Classifiers 8%
Actions 7%
Alf 6%
fUML 6%
StateMachines 5%
Common Behavior 3%

- Classifiers
- Classifier Templates
- Features
- Generalization Sets
- Operations
- Properties
- Information Flows
- Name Expression
- Profiles
- Realization
- Templates
- Associations
- Collaborations
- Components
- String Expression
- Values
- Artifacts
- Deployments
- Alf
- Integration with UML Models
- Lexical Structure
- Scope
- Semantic Conformance
- Behavioral Semantics
- Overviews of Abstract Syntax
- and Execution Model
- Scope
- Terms and Definitions
- AcceptEventActions
- Invocation Actions
- Structured ActionsRaisedExceptionActions
- Object ActionsValueSpecificationActions
- Activities
- Activity Groups
- Control Nodes
- Exception
- Executable Nodes
- Object Nodes
- Behaviors-Reentrant
- Events-Event Pool
- FunctionBehavior
- Fragments
- Interaction Overview
- Interactions
- Interaction Uses
- Lifelines
- Messages
- Occurrences
- Behavior StateMachines
- Protocol StateMachines
- StateMachine Redefinition

Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
• This test uses BNF where appropriate to specify textual notation, similar to the way it is used in the UML
specification itself. BNF is defined in Ch. 6 on page 9 (UML 2.5 Specification, Beta 1). Also in Ch. 6 is a
(very!) brief description of execution scope, a term that will be used later in several contexts.
Abstract Syntax
• Every first-level subsection of the UML specification starts with a UML diagram labeled Abstract Syntax.
The OCUP 2 exams do not ask about these diagrams explicitly, but they are good examples of the
language you're studying(!) and represent the relationships linking the elements to be presented in the
sections that follow in a particularly clear and concise way. As an Advanced candidate, you presumably
know how to read these diagrams and use the information they display. If you don't have this skill, you
should develop it. It will provide an advantage to your study, and your work in the field at this level.
• 7.3 Templates -
o Add Templates. Postponed until now, Templates and the many elements that support them are
covered at this Advanced level. Coverage is fairly complete, encompassing elements and
attributes defined for Templates here in Section 7.3 and later on (String Expressions and Name
Expressions, e.g.; most have "Template" somewhere in their names). There are many of these
scattered throughout the specification but we will not point out, for each, that it is now included.
We will, however, specifically mention the following:
o Add Template Signatures, Template Bindings, Bound Element Semantics, and Template Notation
• 7.4 Namespaces - Add:
o NamedElement association with StringExpression, and having both a name and a
• 7.7 Dependencies - Add:
o Realization
• 8.3 Add: String Expressions
• 9.2 Classifiers
o Classifiers: Add Classifier may own CollaborationUses and UseCases
o Generalization:AddSubstitutability
o Redefinition:AddredefinitionContext
o Substitution: All
• 9.2.4 Notation: NOTE: UML allows a conforming tool to suppress the drawing of individual compartments
or features of a classifier. Scenarios in this examination may use this ability.
• 9.3 Classifier Templates:All
• 9.4 Features:Add: concurrency property, effect property, notation of feature redefinitions
• 9.5 Properties: Add: Note the reference to qualifiers. Add ternary and higher-order associations,
redefinition, composition and transitive deletion, subsettedproperty, isDerivedUnion.
• 9.6 Operations: AddfeaturingClassifier, isQuery, owning classifier context
• 9.7 Generalization Sets - Add: powertypes
• 11.2 Structured Classifiers: Add: contracts, n-ary Connectors
• 11.4 Classes: Add: the stereotype «Metaclass»
• 11.5 Associations:Add: n-ary Associations (n>2), Subsetting, Specialization, qualifiers and qualified
Association end, derivation of an Association, navigability via Class:ownedAttribute and
• 11.6 Components:Add:Profiles based around components, wiring dependency, details of the "white-box"
view beyond the treatment at Intermediate level, execution time semantics of a Connector, and
«Specification» and «Realization» stereotypes
• 11.7 Collaborations:Add:extension of collaborationRole in a specialization
• 12.3 Profiles:Includes All exceptMOF-equivalent semantics and non-UML metamodels. Also exclude XMI
• 13.2 Behaviors Add:reentrant Behavior, Function Behavior, Behavior owned as a nestedClassifier
• 13.3 Events Add: Event handling by context object, event pool, wait point, SignalBroadcastAction
• 14.2 Behavior StateMachines: Add:event pool
• 14.3 StateMachine Redefinition: All
• 14.4 Protocol StateMachines:Add: Declarative and Executable ProtocolStateMachines, use of
sophisticated forms of modeling as detailed in the section, multiple ProtocolStateMachines per Classifier,
use of other types of events, ProtocolStateMachine refinement, Protocol Conformance. NOTE:
Unexpected trigger reception and unexpected behavior will not be covered in OCUP 2.
• 15.2 Activities:
o Activities and Activity Nodes:Add: isControlType
o Activity Edges: Add:Object tokens flowing over ControlFlow edges, object tokens accepted by
ExecutableNodes, managing contention between multiple nodes, the weight property
o Object Flows: Add:remainder of subsection. (Basic definition and null token already covered.)
o Variables: All Exceptthe discussion of variable setting in the Note paragraph.
o Activity Execution:Add:remainder of subsection. (Material preceding isSingleExecution has
already been covered.)
o Activity Generalization:All.
• 15.3 Control Nodes
o Decision Nodes:Add: decisionInput behavior, Parameters, and guards on multiple outgoing
• 15.4 Object Nodes
o Object Nodes:AddupperBound, ordering, selection Behavior
o Activity Parameter Nodes:Add:effect of ordering
o Data Store Nodes:Add: selection and transformation
• 15.5 Executable Nodes
o Executable Nodes:Add: concurrent execution
o Exceptions and Exception Handlers: All
• 15.6 Activity Groups
o Activity Partitions:Add:the descriptive text about preparation of descriptive models for review
o Interruptible Activity Regions:Add: isSingleExecution
• 16.1 Summary: Add dependence of Actions on Activities, basic definition of concrete syntax, and of
execution engine
• 16.2 Actions:
o Actions: Add isLocallyReentrant and isReentrant.
o Pins: Add ordering and isOrdered, token behavior on StructuredActivityNodes, fromActions
o Actions and Pins in Activities:Add:disallowing of acceptance of more tokens than will be
consumed by one execution of an Action, isLocallyReentrant, isControl, isControlType.
• 16.3 Invocation Actions
o Call Actions: AddStartObjectBehaviorAction, classifierBehavior, non-reentrant and reentrant
Behavior, matching owned Parameters to Pins by ordering
o Send Actions: BroadcastSignalAction, SendObjectAction, ordering of owned and inherited
Properties of a Signal, effects of local or remote target object.
o Invocation Actions and Ports:All
• 16.4 Object Actions
o Summary: All
o ValueSpecificationAction: All
• 16.5 - 16.9: Material in these sections is not covered in OCUP 2.
• 16.10 Accept Event Actions
o Accept Call Actions: Add triggering by an asynchronous call, method behavior caveat
o Reply Actions:All
• 16.11 Structured Actions
o Structured Activity Nodes:Add: Variables, semantics of activity edge when contained or not
contained by a StructuredActivityNode
o Isolation: All
• 16.13 Other Actions
o Raise Exception Actions:All
• 17.1 Summary
o Interactions in detailed design phase, all discussion of role of interactions, interleaving
o NOTE THATALL discussion of disallowed or invalid traces in this chapter is included. This
Coverage Map does not list specific references to disallowed or invalid traces.
o Interaction Diagram Variants: Add Interaction Overview Diagram
• 17.2 Interactions
o Add Specializing and redefining an Interaction
• 17.3 Lifelines
o Add coregion
• 17.4 Messages
o Add representation of ConnectableElement with a Type, wildcard argument
o Messages: Add assignment-target, value-specification
o Notation: As in all other sections, notation of covered elements is included automatically. For this
subsection, which includes some notation for elements not mentioned previously, we point out
that All of the notation section is included.
• 17.5 Occurrences
o General Orderings:All
• 17.6 Fragments
o Consider Ignore Fragments:All
o Continuations:All
o Negative: All
o Critical Region:All
o Ignore/Consider: All
o Assertion:All
• 17.7 Interaction Uses
o Notation: InteractionUse, CollaborationUse, strict, and return value
• 17.8 Sequence Diagrams
o Sequence Diagram Notation:AddContinuation, coregion
o Graphic Paths: Add GeneralOrdering
• 17.9 Communication Diagrams
o Sequence expression:Additeration notation for concurrent execution
• 17.10 Interaction Overview Diagrams: All
18.1 UseCases
• 18.1.3 Semantics
o Use Cases and Actors:Adddescription through a Collaboration; being owned by a Classifier.
• 19.1 Summary: Add:extending the package
• 19.2 Deployments Add: extending in profiles, Property and InstanceSpecification as targets
• 19.3 Artifacts Add: organizing into composition hierarchies, extending especially as profiles
• 20.1 InformationFlows
o Add InformationFlow sources and targets, channels, InformationItems
Our coverage of metamodeling and the functionality that it enables (executable UML, e.g.) is intended as a survey,
and the experts who wrote the test questions did not expect you to study these specifications in enough depth to
be able to work with the language. Learn the basics of these syllabus well and try to retain this knowledge as your
modeling work evolves so that, when you come to a point in a project that calls for metamodeling or generating a
UML model intended for execution, you know where to look for solutions.

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OMG-OCUP-300 examcollection

Our OMG-OCUP-300 examcollection contains actual exam questions and answers that covers complete course contents. New syllabus and exam contents are fully covered.

OMG-OCUP-300 Practice Tests

Exam preparation is supported with OMG-OCUP-300 examcollection and exam simulator. Exam simulator works like actual test environment to prepare the candidate well before the real test.

OMG-OCUP-300 Study Guides

The study guides provided by the help of killexams contains OMG-OCUP-300 and actual questions that will help to pass the exam in one shot.

OMG-OCUP-300 Actual Questions

Actual questions are provide in order for candidates to practice with the real OMG-OCUP-300 exam questions and answers. This will make the candidate ready to face the real exam.

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Lowest price, highest quality certification exams, updated on daily basis and verified by certification experts.

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OMG-OCUP-300 VCE Practice test developed by killexams is best to prepare and practice the exam questions.


Our OMG-OCUP-300 exam guides, actual questions and Braindumps will improve your knowledge to face the actual exam. Our question bank contains actual questions from real tests.

Download OMG-OCUP-300 Sample Questions from Actual exams

Click Here to download Sample Questions and Answers from full version. These QAs may not be updated but Full version is regularly updated.

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